Workflow & Automations
Your personal assistant
Let automation handle the business side, so you can focus on what you do best - being creative

Command center
No more forgetting
Eliminate the hassle of following up on client inquiries, requesting additional information, or scheduling meetings. Our tool proactively manages these tasks, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

No more repetitive tasks
Save time by automating repetitive tasks by using templates. Send emails, proposals, and questionnaires automatically or in just a few clicks, streamlining your workflow and reducing manual effort. So you can focus on what you do best, creating, while we handle the routine tasks for you.

For all your projects
Create multiple workflows
As a creative, each project you take on is unique, requiring its own tailored approach. That’s why Octoa allows you to create multiple workflows to match the specific needs of every project. Whether you’re managing a wedding shoot, a corporate event, or a personal portfolio, you can customize workflows to ensure every detail is covered efficiently. Stay organized and adaptable by setting up workflows that fit your diverse creative projects.